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When working with an audience, one thing's for sure: you must be able to adapt to all sorts of requests, from eccentric locations to weird styles or odd hours. This template adapts depending on the device you're viewing it from.
This website template features a complete homepage with full bleed images and bold text. It is great for companies that thrive in the entertainment business but works just as well for independent DJs and bands - the integrated SoundCloud widget is testament to that. Another aspect that distinguishes this layout from others is the ease of access to the contact page: it's bold and visible in the top navigation bar as well as on every other block in the stacked homepage. That's because we want you to get in touch with your clients ASAP.
Since you're here, how about we focus on the navigation on this website template? Notice how we've ditched the conventional top navigation bar and instead we've featured the entire sitemap on the home page. This is where you get most of the attention both from human visitors and to the search engine robots that index your website. Overall, this feature is designed to drive you more hits and, consequently, more clients. So if we haven't stressed this enough, make sure your contact information is up to date.
A true Master of Ceremony has their way with words, right? Since we've mentioned the benefits of the homepage, it's important to note what content you choose to use. Keep in mind that when people are looking for your services, they're specific: they search for "live rock'n'roll band for weddings" or "MC for cycling event", which means that you also should be on point when describing your fortes. Needless to say, "music services" will not suffice.
This website template is designed for contemporary music artists set on changing the world's soundtrack with fresh new grooves. Its purpose is to making a bold impact and a memorable experience for all visitors who access it. The dark background, full bleed images and clear sans serif fonts are testament to its modern feel. Only one thing left to do at this point: start a free trial today and see if Flash is the website template for you!